The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Essential Tips for Beginner Runners

Running is a popular fitness activity for many, perhaps due to the fact that you can do it virtually anywhere, and you don’t have to pay any expensive gym membership dues or buy any fancy equipment, aside from some good running shoes.

Beginner runners should beware, however, because there IS a right and wrong way to start running. Rushing into a running routine without doing your research could cause unnecessary discomfort or injury. To help you start running safely, here are our tips for success:

tips-for-beginning-runners-shoes Get the right shoes

Because we’re all unique like beautiful snowflakes, we have different natural running styles. This means that a running shoe that supports the way your friend runs may not be ideal for you, no matter how much you love her hot pink kicks. Visit your local specialty running store where the experts can help you find a shoe that offers optimal support for your specific needs.

Increase your running time gradually

If you’ve never really run before, and depending on your current fitness level, you may not be able to just put on your shoes and sprint out of the gates. You have to work up to it by starting slow, building your endurance and pushing yourself a little more each time until you can run longer distances. A good way to start is with intervals of five minutes of walking, followed by one minute of running. Increase your running time as your endurance gets better and before you know it, you’ll be running for 30 minutes in a row!

Tips-for-beginning-runners-food Fuel up!

Eating right before you run could lead to cramps, so it’s a good idea to eat something at least 30 minutes before your run. What should you eat? A high carbohydrate snack such as a bagel and peanut butter will provide you with lots of energy. Stay away from rich, fatty and high-fiber foods –  they can cause tummy trouble during a run.

Tips-for-beginning-runners-friends Run with friends

If you feel like you won’t be able to stick to it (because running can be pretty hard in the beginning as you build your endurance) get a few friends together or join a local running group. Not only can you motivate each other to push your limits and stick to your running routine, but you can also learn some best practices from more experienced group members.


To ensure your lungs are getting enough oxygen to power your muscles through your run, breathe through your nose and mouth. Focus on exhaling fully through your mouth to get rid of as much carbon dioxide as possible. Take deep belly breaths from your diaphragm to make room for lots of delicious oxygen, and prevent those icky side cramps.

Tips-for-beginning-runners-coach Consult the pros

Whether it’s the knowledgeable staff at your local running store, or an experienced running coach leading your running group, people immersed in the world of running can answer your question and give you tips to help improve your results. For example, did you know that there is an ideal way to run uphill versus downhill? It’s true. Learning these things can help you reach your goals faster, and avoid discomfort and injury.

Happy running!

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