The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Tips for a Successful Detox

So you’ve decided to dump sugar… and gluten… and all those other tasty synthetic ingredients created to give you a temporary spike in blood sugar and endorphins. Just like with any break up, you’re going to need a plan if you’re going to make it through those first few lonely days. Otherwise, you could find yourself on a crazy midnight car ride where you end up in a drive through ordering things you wouldn’t normally eat, and feeling overcome with regret (and likely a tummy ache) the next day.

We’ve put together a quick rundown of tips for detox success so this doesn’t happen to you!

Detox your kitchen! Get rid of temptation by removing anything that remotely looks like sugar so you don’t find yourself eating peanut butter straight out of the jar in the middle of the night.


2) Drink tons of filtered water. When you think you can’t drink more, drink more. Water has an important role in literally flushing toxins from your body.

Keep moving. Stretch, do yoga, go for a walk, a run, a bike ride… whatever! Take your pick. Remember that your lymphatic system is a big player in detoxification and requires physical movement for its circulation.


4) Plan some pampering. Enjoy lots of other indulgences of the non-food variety! Long Epsom salt baths, deep tissue massage, or for the more adventurous, some hydrotherapy, which can help everything flow more smoothly (wink).

Relaxation is key. Sleep as much as humanly possible to give your body plenty of time to heal and rejuvenate. Detoxing is hard work for your body, so extra rest–whether by taking naps, going to bed early or sleeping in–is essential for success.

Get a buddy. Everything is better with a friend! A detox is much easier when you have a friend to cheer on and provide support in return. You can also keep each other accountable.

Got a detox coming up? Try these strategies to ease your way through it and enjoy the maximum benefits of your hard work. Don’t forget Luvo is taking the work out of the Dr.Hyman’s Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day-Detox with nutritious meals delivered right to your door! Click here to place your order


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