The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


6 Recipes to make in your Waffle Maker

(That Aren’t Waffles)

A year or so ago, you got a waffle iron as a gift for your Birthday/Wedding/Anniversary/Christmas/or whatever it was. At first, the idea of hot and fresh waffles every morning sounded like, well, the BEST IDEA EVER, but after a few too many meals accompanied by syrup and butter, you got tired of waffles. The waffle maker found a new home in your kitchen, on the top shelf, watching from high above as other meals took priority.

Poor little waffle iron? Not for long! Today is the day you bring your waffle maker back to life. That little iron is not just good for waffles. You can make a plethora of meals—yes, breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert—with that honeycomb contraption.

So get a stool and get the iron down from the top shelf and try one of these 6 Things You Can Make In Your Waffle Maker (That Aren’t Waffles). Let us know which is your fave!


The waffle iron is great for pressing up perfectly cooked omelets. Pick your favorite omelet ingredients chop them up into small cubes (we like ham, green and red peppers, onions and lots of cheese), scramble about 3 eggs and mix together. If your iron has a low setting be sure to use it and be sure to spray well with cooking spray. Pour your egg mixture into the iron and close. Check your eggs every minute until they look done.

Hash Browns

Ooh making hash browns in the waffle iron makes it so easy. They’re crispy on the outside and soft on the inside and you don’t have to fuss with any flipping. Peel and shred up your potatoes and squeeze and drain out as much of the water as possible. Season with a little salt and pepper and mix in some extras like butter, garlic and/or chives if you like. Heat up your iron and cover with butter—brush it on to make it easier. Plop on your potato mixture and cook for around 5 minutes.


Waffle shaped brownies, yes please! Set your iron to a medium/low temperature while you prep your brownie mix according to your favorite recipe. Make sure the iron is well greased up and pour in the brownie mix. Close and cook for around 8 minutes for ooey gooey brownies.

Grilled Cheese

This is possibly one of the most obvious of the bunch, but also quite possibly one of the most delicious. If you love grilled cheese like we do, this is a foolproof way to use your waffle maker. Butter up your bread as per usual and place one piece down on the iron. Lay as many slices of cheese as you like on top, add some bacon or tomatoes as well if you so desire, then finish off with the other slice. Close and cook until golden brown on the outside and melted on the inside. Need more ideas? Click here


You read that right. That waffle maker can turn into your own personal little indoor BBQ. Okay, you won’t get that smoky taste, but you will be able to cook up a pretty delicious burger. Prep your patties as you see fit and pop them on to a hot waffle iron, close and cook based on how you like your burger. If you’re feeling really risqué you can even make two waffles as the bun.

French Toast

If you’re looking for another sweet breakfast from your waffle maker, French toast is great on the iron. Dip your desired bread in an egg coating and drop on to a well-sprayed waffle iron. Close and cook for around 3-4 minutes. Try different kinds of bread to switch things up.

Share your favorite waffle recipes here in the comment section!

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