The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Downward Facing Dude

One man’s experience at the Wanderlust Yoga Festival

Hi, I’m a dude. I watch football, groan when I have to tie my shoelaces, and have been known to roll my eyes at the idea of ‘silencing my mind’. Then there’s my super rad, reconstructed ACL that likes to flare up and punch me in the face from time to time. Needless to say, becoming a ‘yogi’ is not at the top of my to-do list, so you can imagine my reaction when I joined the Luvo Brand team and discovered my first task would be to attend the Wanderlust Yoga Festival in O’ahu.My initial reaction was very similar to anyone in Vancouver who learns they might actually get to see sunshine in February. I rushed home and started searching for my board shorts and flip flops and began to google activities in the area (AS IF I was going to take a yoga class!).It wasn’t until I got on the plane with our community manager that I asked ‘What the heck is this festival anyway?’  She launched into what can only be described as a story one slide short of a Power Point presentation, gushing about the dance parties, the live music, the incredible food and, most importantly, the opportunity to practice yoga with some of the best instructors in North America.  Her passion inspired me to conduct an experiment… one where I would actually try to participate in all things yoga. Here’s what happened:

Aerial Yoga at Wanderlust 2014

My First Classes: Everything Hurts!

Our community manager was miraculously able to talk me into trying a few different yoga classes. The first: Yin, Breathe, Sit and Chillax with instructor Schuyler Grant. I really liked this one; there was enough variation to keep me from getting too distracted with how much everything hurt and enough Yin to give me the stretch my body needed after our long flight and a highly regrettable, $30 midnight room service ‘sandwich’.

The second class I took was Aerial Yoga (better known as ‘yoga in a hammock’). I liked this one because it required more muscular engagement and forced me to use my core. It definitely spiked my endorphins, but on the other hand, I also felt like a performer from Cirque du Soleil descending onto Vegas stage in a giant silken burrito.

Luvo Sharing Healthy Snacks

Photo Credit – Amanda Bjorn

Trying New Snacks: Hemp Seeds, Kale Chips and Pink Smoothies, Oh My!

I’m a hardcore carnivore. In fact, a palm reader once told me I was a T-Rex in a past life. So when I found myself surrounded by bean sprouts, golden beets, purple quinoa and a river of homemade kombucha, I got a little intimidated. Turns out those foods didn’t melt my soul – they actually tasted great and paired nicely with my new Luvo staples! (chicken chile verde and our new flax-seed flatbreads)

Yoga Class with Eoin Finn at Wanderlust 2014

Photo Credit – Ali Kaukas

My First Yoga Man-Crush: Eoin Finn

I never imagined yoga could be fun until I encountered Eoin Finn. His full-on yoga party, Eoin Finn’s Superflow, featured surfing, martial arts and dancing, all hosted by DJ HyFI. I even made some new friends (OK, I fell on a bunch of people during several poses). I absolutely loved this class. It was totally my style, and that Eoin dude is solid.

Zen Sound Chair at Wanderlust 2014

Photo Credit – Shannon Cumming

Self Discovery: I’m Not a ‘Hooper’

Unfortunately, not everything turned out awesome for me. My goal of adding ‘expert hula-hooper’ to my resume was crushed when I realized I’d never be able to hold one of those things around my midsection for longer than 5 seconds. It’s all good though – I was able to get in a little extra sound therapy time in the face-melting super bass Zen sound chair (which is totally awesome if you haven’t tried it!)

Yoga Buddha Pants at Wanderlust 2014

Buddha Pants: I’m a Believer

This one definitely took some convincing but I can report that I am now an official fan of Buddha Pants. It’s basically like wearing your favorite million thread count sheets all day. Several members of our team bought these bad boys and let’s just say this isn’t the only photographic evidence circulating.

 In Conclusion: I’m More Awesome Now!

I didn’t think it was possible, but attending this yoga festival may have made me a better person. I’m definitely a lot stronger, I held planks, killed some lunges, and attempted 500% more handstands than ever before. I even experienced a few peaceful moments. I’m not sure if it was because I was so tuckered out from the super annoying whales breaching outside my bedroom window, or if I was actually experiencing the ‘quiet’ everyone was talking about.

All in all, this was a really great experience with a very nice and inviting community and killer music.

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