The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo

Join Luvo at Wanderlust 2014

Wanderlust Yoga Festival: Survival Tips for First-Timers

Wanderlust Yoga Festival is a kick-ass experience with the potential to become one of the highlights of your life… that is, if you’re prepared. To help you make the most of it, I’ve compiled some tips for first-timers (and returning visitors alike) to help make your Wanderlust experience an unforgettable one.


Eat something. One thing I forgot after I booked back-to-back classes for four days straight (not recommended) was food. Pack snacks, schedule a couple visits to the Luvo Bistro, and line a satchel (or two) with some granola or a decent trail mix (i.e. < 50% chocolate) just in case.

Stay hydrated. Wanderlust has hydration stations everywhere, so be sure to pack a distinctive water bottle so it doesn’t get lost in the sea of them (don’t be afraid to get out the glitter!) Stay hydrated in between classes with tons of water, kombucha (it’s on tap!), and whatever tea the dread-headed yogi is brewing.

Make friends. Even if you’re going with friends, it’s fun to meet other Wanderlusters from foreign places and learn about their cultures. One of the greatest things about Wanderlust is being a part of one another’s unique experiences.

Stop comparing. Don’t get discouraged by the contortionist practicing beside you. They don’t get bonus yoga points and are no closer to being enlightened (trust me on this one; I asked a real-life Swami).

Dance. I don’t dance, except at Wanderlust. Grab a friend, a hula-hoop, and Michael Franti (wink), and get your groove on! This is a festival–not a football game. Participate in everything even if it feels weird, because chances are, it will feel weird at first, but then really cool 30 seconds later.

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