The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


5 Easy and Healthy Ways to Save Time in the Kitchen

When there aren’t enough hours in the day, it’s easy to make choices you might regret in the name of convenience. Whether that’s putting off laundry day and going commando, or grabbing a bag of chips because you didn’t have time to pack a lunch, the convenience monster comes in many forms.

While no one’s noticing that breeze down below except you, too many chip grabs can come back to haunt you in more ways than one. The good news: making better choices can be convenient – it just takes a little planning ahead. While I respect your right to go undie-free, I’ve got a few suggestions to help you make convenience your friend in the kitchen. Trust me, your tummy will thank you!



Throwing together a hearty salad is really easy if you prepare your ingredients ahead of time. As soon as you get home from the grocery store or farmers market, wash and cut your veggies and greens into bite-sized pieces, prepare your fruit for instant enjoyment, and store everything in the fridge until your tummy starts to rumble. The best part: you’ll have more time to come up with creative salad combinations!



Grains and grain-like things often take the most time to prepare, so whether you prefer brown rice or quinoa, make a big batch on Sunday night and store it in your fridge for quick and easy use throughout the week. You can also take this opportunity to roast some veggies so you can add some more depth and flavor to those quick salads.

3.  BANANAS ARE YOUR FRIEND Luvo-Craving-Choices.jpg

Bananas beg to be eaten quickly before they turn brown and mushy, so they’re practically made for quick and nutritious snacking. They can also answer the call when your sweet tooth is trying to send you to the convenience store for ice cream. Instead, try throwing a few frozen bananas in your blender for a quick and cool treat that will make you feel good.

4.  YOUR BLENDER IS ALSO YOUR FRIEND Luvo-Craving-Choices.jpg

When you want to pack in some quick nutrition but don’t have time to cook or prepare anything, throwing a few key ingredients into your blender can save the day. It’s generally a good idea to include a frozen fruit (refer to #3), a handful of greens, some form protein (like your favorite powder) and a nutritious liquid such as coconut water, almond milk or just plain water for a well-rounded drink. If you need inspiration, try our Gateway Green Drink recipe.



Whether it’s a big batch of homemade veggie chili divided into meal-sized portions in your freezer, or some of our wholesome, chef-inspired, flash-frozen meals, it’s a great idea to stock your freezer with nutritious options you can prepare quickly when your kitchen time is limited.

I hope these tips help you confront that convenience monster and make better choices in the kitchen, even when you’re pressed for time.

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