The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo

Smoked and Sweet Paprika

Smoked & Sweet Paprika

Paprika is made by grinding dry, sweet red pepper pods into a fine powder. Try it with savory dishes such as braised chicken with mushrooms.


Dried Oregano

This staple is often used with tomato sauce, but we like to add it to steamed or sautéed vegetables for a delicious earthy herb flavor.



This is another sweet spice that goes well with savory dishes, especially meats, curries and stir-fries. For the best flavor, use whole nutmegs and grate them fresh when needed.

Dry Mustard

Dry Mustard

For a simple way to spice up salad without additional salt, whisk a small amount into a few tablespoons of vinegar to dissolve and then whisk in good quality oil.



Ground cumin adds a complex, peppery flavor to many Southwestern style dishes. It’s a dominant flavor in our Chicken Chile Verde entrée.



Like cinnamon, cloves are commonly used with sweet dishes. But it’s also fantastic in polenta, adding a rich, earthy flavor.



Commonly used in sweet dishes, but it’s also delicious in savory dishes. Try it in a vegetable curry for great results.