The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


The New Nordic Diet Uncovered

Almost every year there’s a new “it” diet that everyone seems to be doing that, allegedly, sheds all of the weight you gained over the holidays (and then some) and leaves you so vibrant and energized your co-workers will wonder if you’ve replaced all the blood in your body with coffee. Some of these diets are quite aggressive; cue the 5:2 British diet that makes you starve for 2 days (oh hell naw!). Some others are all about eating like a caveman (Paleo, duh).… Read more »


Mug Snacks From The Microwave

Microwaves are super convenient for home cooking, especially when you’re in a hurry. We’ve already busted the myths around them and uncovered the science behind how they work… now it’s time to get into some of the neat things you can do with a microwave (aside from cooking your Luvo meals, of course). For this edition of Microwave Master Chef, all you need is a big mug, a few ingredients and your button-pushing finger to make yourself a quick and nutritious meal! Here … Read more »


Luvo Hacks: Entrées

I had originally started this post with “As much as I love the idea of discovering a new recipe and cooking it from scratch…” but after staring blankly at the screen for about 10 minutes I decided to stop lying to myself. I’ll admit it: I actually don’t enjoy spending a pile of time in the kitchen (or cooking anything from scratch for that matter), and that’s totally okay. What I do love is… Read more »


Red Carpet Ready Oscar Party Ideas

In case you’re on a complete media blackout, or live on another planet, the 87th Annual Academy Awards take place on Sunday and we at Luvo cannot wait. The list of films has been pinned up in the office since the day the nominations were announced, for all the movie lovers to check off each one as they are viewed. We even have an Oscar pool going, for which I feel very confident.

If you’re planning to host an Oscar party, but the mess of how-to articles out there has your head spinning, we have a checklist that will have your soiree red carpet ready in 6 simple steps.

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Eating For One

We’ve all heard the jokes about single people eating takeout straight out of the container over the sink in between sobs, but eating alone doesn’t have to be depressing. Cooking a wholesome meal for one after a long day is one of the nicest things you can do for yourself; it’s a great way to unwind and focus on something other than the stresses of the day.… Read more »


The Power of Plating

How to style your next meal

So I’m eating dinner the other night at my girl Hez’s house and she channels Martha and throws down this incredible chicken parm complete with a fresh sprig of basil and strategically placed droplets of sauce all served on a plate the size of a hubcap. My mouth started to water and (after 2-4 pictures) I immediately cut myself an edge piece and allowed my mind to me temporarily blown.… Read more »


What Stinks: How to Make Kombucha

If you haven’t encountered kombucha yet, or a kombucha-preaching friend, you probably will soon. It’s been getting a lot of attention lately, and it’s riding the tidal wave of popularity of homemade throwback fermented purportedly healthy food and drink. Doesn’t ring a bell? That’s okay. We’ve put together a primer to fill you in on the hows and the whys. But we’ll start with the basics: What is it? … Read more »