The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Beat the Blues with 10 Blueberry Recipes!

National Blueberry Pie Day is right around the corner – you know what that means. Time to get your pie-baking materials out, and your hands dirty. Blueberries are the among the worlds’ favorite fruits (second only to strawberries)[1]. They’re a classic breakfast garnish, summertime delight, popular smoothie choice, and also have a handful of amazing health benefits. In fact, they’re considered one of the Top 5 Good-For-You Super Fruits. They’re powerful anti-oxidants, benefit the nervous system and brain health – and even protect against memory loss![2] Low on calories (100g of fresh blueberries carry just 57 calories)[3], and packed with dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins, these tiny gems sure pack a healthy punch. Point is, blueberries are simply too awesome to limit to just pies – there are so many recipes out there that need to be shared, cooked, and munched up!

Behold: A healthy blueberry pie recipe, and 9 other blueberry-infused delights for you to drool over.

Rhubarb-Blueberry-Apple Pie with Whole Wheat Crust
This Blueberry Rhubarb Apple Pie will make your mouth water, and is a more-than-supreme choice to be celebrating National Blueberry Pie Day with. So what if it isn’t 100% made of blueberries? It’s 100% delicious. Filled with natural sugars, wheat-y flours, and hints of cinnamon, your taste buds will be in flavor-bursting heaven (and asking for more).

Healthy Blueberry Muffins
The classic blueberry muffin – with a healthy twist. At a shocking 111 calories, you can definitely leave your guilt behind with these Healthy Blueberry Muffins (even if you happen to grab two!). Applesauce, fat-free Greek yogurt, cinnamon, and blueberries sound fantastic by themselves – now imagine them merged together into a light and travel-friendly muffin!

Blueberry Nectarine Cornmeal Cake with Lemon Sage Syrup
Light, fluffy, and fruity, this Blueberry Nectarine Cornmeal Cake will make your day, any day. Topped with tangy Lemon Sage Syrup, you can definitely have a slice of this for breakfast, brunch, and post-dinner dessert while still feeling good. Plus, you’ll have so much fun designing the nectarine and blueberry patterns ( while popping a few slices in your gobbler at the same time) on the cake-top!

Blueberry Coconut Smoothie
This Blueberry Coconut Smoothie is so much more than just a smoothie. Filled with ingredients proven to increase the body’s ability to metabolize it’s caloric intake, it’s a delicious treat but also a kick-ass tool in your arsenal of healthy-eating recipes. The combination of grapefruit, lime juice, coconut milk and of course (the main attraction), blueberries, will have you transported to a tropical paradise as soon as you take a sip!

Whole Wheat Waffles with Blueberry Thyme Compote
If you want your waffles to come out as stupendously perfect as these Whole Wheat Waffles with Blueberry Thyme Compote, then grab yourself a professional waffle-maker. Stuffed with pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, and honey, and slathered in a flavorful combination of blueberries and thyme, these waffles are far from ordinary. Don’t blame me if you find yourself whipping up a “breakfast-for-dinner” day soon enough – they’re that good.

Blueberry Baked Oatmeal
Crazy For Crust’s Dorothy says, “I don’t like oatmeal. But I like this Blueberry Baked Oatmeal.” That’s a big statement. Gone are the ingredients belonging to “regular” buttery, oily, and sugar-laden oatmeal. Instead, they’ve been replaced with cleaner counterparts – like unsweetened applesauce!

Blueberry Quinoa Cakes
If you’re looking for a treat that’ll help fulfil your daily fibre intake, look no further! These bite-sized Blueberry Quinoa Cakes are simply divine. This special blend of savory and sweet pairs perfectly with any cocktail, and are a sure-fire way to impress your friends. Say “be-gone!” to those typical and over-done pig-in-a-blanket cocktail snacks, and invite this new recipe into your kitchen instead. Your health-aware guests will be glad you did.

Blueberry Coconut Granola Bites
What better combination is there than blueberry and coconut? If you like that, you’ll love sinking your teeth into these Blueberry Coconut Granola Bites. The perfect size to fulfill your sweet-tooth cravings (without feeling bad!), and great for packing on-the-go, you’ll be balling these guys up all the time.

Blueberry Swirl Frozen Greek Yogurt
You’ll be needing an ice cream machine for this one, but Luvo’s Blueberry Swirl Frozen Greek Yogurt recipe is a keeper. If you’re one of those people (I’ll be the first to admit that I am) who, even if stuffed to the brim from dinner, just has to end the night with something sweet, then this homemade concoction is a healthy alternative to store-bought ice cream and frozen yogurt.

The Best Blueberry Popsicle
This really is The Best Blueberry Popsicle ever. Light, refreshing, and perfect for the warming-up weather, you’ll constantly be cracking open your freezer for an icy bite. They’re colorful, guilt-free, and so easy to make – seriously. What dessert is as time-efficient and mess-free as pouring blueberry lemonade and blueberries into a popsicle mould? Plus, making your way to one of the blueberries inside their delicious frozen prisons is too much fun.

For those of you who haven’t run off to your kitchens with all of these recipes in tow, there are plenty more fruit-filled blueberry recipes where these came from.

Which recipe is your favorite? Tell us in the comments or on Twitter at @luvoinc.



[3] Nutrition and You:

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