The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo

Celebrate Zucchini

Celebrate Zucchini

...and Other Sneaky Fruits and Veggies to Put in Your Bread

It was National Zucchini Bread Day this past week! The zucchini (also known as a summer squash) is one of the most popular vegetables worldwide, and also one of the most low-calorie with only 17 calories per 100g!

A fantastic source of dietary fibre and antioxidants, these crunchy delights are even proven to protect against colon cancers[1]. In fact, Luvo named the squash one of their Top 5 Healthiest Veggies!

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6 Ways to Boost Your Protein

Are you getting enough protein? Most sources suggest it should make up about 20 to 30 percent of your daily calories. If you’re active and athletic, you might want to aim for the higher end, since protein is essential for repairing muscles. So what are the best ways to bump up your intake?… Read more »


Luvo Hacks: Entrées

I had originally started this post with “As much as I love the idea of discovering a new recipe and cooking it from scratch…” but after staring blankly at the screen for about 10 minutes I decided to stop lying to myself. I’ll admit it: I actually don’t enjoy spending a pile of time in the kitchen (or cooking anything from scratch for that matter), and that’s totally okay. What I do love is… Read more »


Red Carpet Ready Oscar Party Ideas

In case you’re on a complete media blackout, or live on another planet, the 87th Annual Academy Awards take place on Sunday and we at Luvo cannot wait. The list of films has been pinned up in the office since the day the nominations were announced, for all the movie lovers to check off each one as they are viewed. We even have an Oscar pool going, for which I feel very confident.

If you’re planning to host an Oscar party, but the mess of how-to articles out there has your head spinning, we have a checklist that will have your soiree red carpet ready in 6 simple steps.

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Hot Sauce 101

We all know one… that person who smothers everything in hot sauce. Some of them carry a bottle in their purse just in case. Some were on the frontlines protesting the threat of a looming Sriracha shortage. Maybe they’re just masochists; maybe they’ve desensitized their taste buds and can no longer taste anything unless … Read more »


Greens by the Numbers

It’s the familiar mantra of moms and dads everywhere: “Eat your greens!” But anyone who has shopped for produce knows that greens come in many shapes and shades, with an almost infinite array of textures and flavours to choose from. Which greens are best for your body? Do they all have the same nutritional benefits? The same mix of minerals and vitamins? The answers to these questions, it turns out, will shock and delight you.… Read more »


5 Ways to Convert Veggie Haters

Some people think vegetables are boring. Some even go as far as saying they hate them. Saying you hate vegetables is kind of like saying you hate a blank canvas. Sure, a lot of veggies have distinctive and delicious flavors on their own, but it really comes down to how you prepare them.… Read more »